intravenously polite

on 11.08.03 @ 1:31 am
the center of a girl

i can't sleep. i'm supposed to be writing a paper on bioethics and stem cell research. scratch that. i'm supposed to be sleeping. i'm supposed to be curled up on a big rectangular box with fluffy feather-filled sacks under my head. but no. here i am. hi.

work has been not so good. everything that i left before i went on vacation for a week was still there when i got back. oh and i mean that literally. as in everything hadn't moved an inch. not even touched. i wonder if they even looked at it. so not only am i having to catch up on last week i'm having to make sure this week doesn't get put off as well. my boss is the manager in title only. assistant manager really means storemanagerwithouttherightsalary.

on the bright side, i got good pictures developed this week. of course i don't have a scanner anymore. of course.

i ache. it's like when someone rubs your shoulders reallllly good but for just a few seconds. it makes it worse. now not only are you still sore but your mind aches for the release you were just teased with. that's exactly what i feel like right now ... in more ways than one.

i think i'll play castlevania now.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland