intravenously polite

on 11.25.03 @ 12:07 am
brought to you by the lady at blockbuster who shook her head and mumbled something rude about being a statistic

i love being judged by people who have no idea who i am. really. i do. it just makes me realise all the more that i have the best kid in the world. especially when it has something to do with having my son when i was seventeen. yeah, okay, probably not the wisest thing a person can do but i'll be damned if i ever regret it. you can say all you want about it but i know the truth. the truth is i've raised him for the last four years by myself and done a hell of a job. i've worked fifty hours a week plus ten hours of school AND i've still had time to sit down at the dinner table and eat with him every night. so what if every once in a while that dinner happens to have been made of blueberry waffles and strawberry milk? i'm the mom. i can do that. it's in the job description. my son says please and thank you and you're welcome and excuse me and chews his food with his mouth shut. he gives me eskimo kisses goodnight and he tried to save my life the first time he saw a vaccum cleaner. he wants to be a fireman when he "gets grown up." i had two cysts one the size of a softball removed from my ovaries and he would lay on the bed next to me clutching his stomach with "sympafy pains" to make me smile. i don't know if things will keep working out the way they are but i can honestly truly 100% with all my heart say that i wouldn't give him up for the world. people used to blatantly stare at me in high school when i was pregnant. i had an economics teacher who ignored me. i had to get my assignments i missed when i was at doctor's appointments from other classmates. i lost all but one of my "friends" because i wouldn't do drugs with them anymore. my mom said i couldn't do it. she said i'd give up before the first year and i'd give him up for adoption. i had him without any medication in a birthing room with a midwife. after i had him people would walk up and ohh and aww at him and they'd ask if he was my little brother and as soon as i said no they'd say "oh" and make scrunched up faces and walk away. yeah ... well ... HA! i win. i didn't give up and i never will. i will continue to shape his life as best i can so he grows up to be an intelligent well rounded individual ... who will hopefully make lots of money and give his mother 15%. =)


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland