intravenously polite

on 11.29.03 @ 9:52 pm
i'd rather be drinking wine

i asked the monkey what he wanted for christmas this year. he wants a skateboard so he can "be just like tony hawk." um ... yeah ... and next year all he's gonna want for christmas is his two front teeth. i'll trick one of my brothers into getting it for him. that way he'll get what he wants but if something bad happens i can blame them. not really. he's four. he can barely get out of the car without tumbling onto pavement one out of three times. the boy is seriously accident prone. he never cries though. he just says, "mom. bandaid. please." tough guy. if he still wants one next christmas i'll get him one. he'll be the dorky kid with the helmet and the kneepads and the elbowpads and the wristpads and and ... do they make anything else?

my contacts are bothering me.

i'm stalling because i know i should be going to sleep but i don't feel like it. i have to be at work in the morning an hour earlier than usual. it's gonna throw off my whole mojo.


i am fickle. i need a new layout. maybe that's what i'll do to avoid sleep. yes. new layout here i come.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland