intravenously polite

on 12.11.03 @ 10:29 pm
today = suck

yep. my keys were in his jacket pocket. he didn't get home until 8 pm. i was going to do like a million things today after i got off work but i couldn't even get to work because i couldn't drive a perfectly good vehicle just sitting there in the parking lot waiting to be driven. i insisted we go get a christmas tree since i hadn't been out of the house all day.

i am allergic to my christmas tree.

i have a rash from my wrists to my elbows on both arms and it itches like crazy. so i put some nonitchy medicine stuff on it and now it itches AND burns. oh, and don't get me started on the lights. there is definitely something wrong there. half of them blink on and off but they're not supposed to blink at all and none of the orange ones work unless i flick the wire and then it only lasts for like five minutes before they go out again.

my cat is eating tinsil. man do i hate christmas.


on 12.11.03 @ 2:43 pm
i still have no car keys

excuse me but what is the point of having a cell phone if you never answer it unless you're at home? i mean, really.


on 12.11.03 @ 10:48 am
i blame television

i am supposed to be at work right now. why am i not at work you ask? well, you see, i asked my fiance to bring in a dvd cabinet someone gave me out of my car and he left the keys in his pocket and took them to the police academy which happens to be oh i don't know an hour away from here and my mom is the only other person that has a key and i forgot to ask her for it before she flew across the world to vietnam and he can't leave the police academy because it's the day before his graduation and he doesn't want to get in trouble and he has to practice marching some stupid marchy thingy because ya know they're not in the military they're in the police academy and who the hell marches when they're fighting over the last doughnut and deciding where to eat lunch for free because they can do that because they're cops and people give them free food because ya know that's a fantastic way to help out the people who are supposed to serve and protect by making them even fatter than they already are!


but i get the day off and it's sort of not my fault so it's actually kinda nice. i'm going to play theme hospital all day and eat an obscene amount of chocolate. go me.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland