intravenously polite

on 12.13.03 @ 10:33 pm
too bad pirate isn't really an option anymore

my fiance graduated from the police academy yesterday. it was extremely boring but it was sorta really cool. he was third in his class. out of seventy three. i'm way proud of him. he is now officially a cop. it's so weird sometimes thinking about it. i got into a lot of trouble when i was younger. i mean, a lot. i had a probation officer when i was 13 ... and now i'm going to marry a police officer. what the hell happened to me? i have now realised that if i become a math teacher i will then be a math teacher married to a cop and i might as well throw in an suv a white picket fence a couple of kids and a golden retriever while i'm at it. i may have to change professions. maybe i'll be a firebreather married to a cop. i oh so love those carnies.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland