intravenously polite

on 12.23.03 @ 12:37 am
shakira vs the gore gore girls

we are so different that we couldn't be any more alike. i'm not sure what that means at one in the morning without sleeping for three days but you are my best friend. we're like each other's evil twin. which makes neither of us the good one i suppose but isn't that the way it's always been? we even look opposite. you with your blonde hair, blue eyes, and girly self. me with my black hair, brown eyes, and cynical tomboyish self. i'll be myself if you'll be yours. some people don't even know we're friends. i don't think we have a single mutual friend. that's the way it's always been though.

i used to think that we were a last resort for each other. we were backup friends to fall on when we got sick of other people. now that i've thought about it i realise that isn't how it is at all. we chose each other first and then went to find new people but every time we realise they suck we go back to the beginning. you and me. you're the only girl i've ever been friends with ... well ... that i never slept with i mean.

we relish in the fact that we're so different we don't have to share with other people. we get the other person to ourselves until reality sinks in and we want to go back to being the center of attention. but we can't both be the center of attention. it's like having the best damn dress rehersal anyone has ever had and then bombing opening night. we're good together but never with anyone but ourselves watching.

i used to hate it. like we weren't supposed to really be friends. that we were using each other. fuck all that. whatever we take from the other we give back in equal amount and i'm fine with that. it's worth it for the peace of mind that every time i need you to be there for me you always are and without any hesitation.

you're a self centered bitch and a bit of a slut, not to mention the fact that you owe me $200, but i love you for everything that you are and everything you'll ever be. when i need to be alone you leave me alone. when i need you to be there for me you're always there. that's all i've ever asked of anyone and you're the only one to ever do it without questioning why.

merry christmas.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland