intravenously polite

on 01.03.04 @ 7:18 pm
merry christmas mamasan

my mom is stuck in vietnam. she had one of those midlife crisis things. usually people buy sports cars or cut their hair. she quit her job and decided she wanted to go to vietnam for a month and a half. she was supposed to come back on christmas night but something happened and they wouldn't let her. i went through all her paperwork and junk because my brother made copies of everything before she went and i can't find anything that's wrong. she thinks her greencard is expired but it doesn't expire. she thinks it's because she doesn't have a passport but that's not it either because she can use her greencard instead of a passport and if that wasn't the case then how the hell did she get to vietnam in the first place ya know. it's so frustrating because i haven't even talked to my mom. the only number we have is for her best friend. basically, by the time i get any information it's already been from the embassy to my mom to her best friend to my brother and then to me. it doesn't help either that my mom is certifiably insane. someone somewhere has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

she probably hasn't even been to the embassy for all i know. she's really in a smelly damp prison in singapore getting caned.

so it ain't all bad.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland