intravenously polite

on 03.01.04 @ 9:52 pm
hot jam and shurikens

i burned my hand yesterday. a nice blistering puss of a burn that will no doubt leave a beautiful little scar. i didn't know what to do so i sprayed this first aid spray stuff on it which it says on the front "anesthetic" slash something something spray but mostly i was focusing on the "anesthetic" part. to my knowledge this means "make it not hurt anymore" spray. false advertisement is such a horrible thing. not only that but i guess i sprayed too much because all of a sudden there was stuff floating in the air and i may have breathed it in. i went to tell someone and my mouth was numb. so. i have come to the conclusion that if something is wrong then it doesn't work and if nothing is wrong then it works just fine.

also, ninja gaiden is late. i was supposed to get it at work on friday. sad day.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland