intravenously polite

on 03.08.04 @ 9:48 pm

dayquil makes my right arm numb ... and not in a good way. mostly, in that i think i'm going to have a heart attack sort of way. i've been sick and my boss is on vacation which pretty much makes me the boss and i've been working for the last week sick and i can't breathe out of my nose and i'm coughing up chunky stuff and my entire body hurts and and and and stuff. i have also just discovered that dayquil makes me not so very articulate. at least with nyquil you just go to sleep but with dayquil it's like being asleep while you're awake. um. or something. i should stay away from here until i get not sick. this is why i don't take medicine i think. sooooo here is a pretty picture of a guitar string. the end.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland