intravenously polite

on 10.28.03 @ 7:55 pm
victory is mine

so we're at the dentist this morning to get some of the kid's cavities fixed. i am sitting in a ridiculously uncomfortable white wicker chair reading "diary" by chuck palahniuk, when i hear a blood curdling it's the end of the world as we know it scream. i look up and the only other person in the waiting room is a man around my age about to bite into an egg mcmuffin. my eyebrows furrow and we both look towards the door both our sons went through only minutes before. when our eyes meet again he quickly puts down the egg mcmuffin and says "how much you wanna bet that wasn't mine?" i laugh. he doesn't. he's serious. as if his son crying was some sort of direct insult to his own manhood. realising this guy is serious i say "your egg mcmuffin." he nods his head and i go back to reading my book.

an hour and a half later the two boys come out. mine smiling a doped up medicated smile and his with tears still wet in his eyes.

food always tastes better when it's free.


before - random - after

wet - dry - me - spit - rings - eye candy - dland